The Explorer's Society Series Pack
$ 20.00 $ 59.99
Includes All 4 Thrilling Albums of the 5th Adventure!
The Creation Response Team has been challenged to a “Battle of the Worldviews” on national TV. Their competition is the Explorer’s Society – a group of evolutionary scientists who have become famous for their cutting-edge scientific discoveries Join these two teams as they contend against one another at Niagara Falls, the Canadian wilderness, Mount St Helens, the freezing Artic of Ellesmere Island, the depths of the sea, and a German dinosaur graveyard – in the exciting adventure series: Jonathan Park and the Explorers’ Society!
Science Topics
- Uniformitarianism
- Rapid Volcanic Formations
- Origin of Life Theories
- Designed Adaptation
Faith-Building Takeaways
- God's Provision - Psalm 37:4
- Encouraging Others - Heb. 3:13
- Evidence of God Everywhere - Rom. 1:20
- Dominion Mandate - Genesis 1:28