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5-Star Christian Entertainment that Shows How the Bible is True!
Jonathan Park is an action-packed audio adventure series that educates, builds-the-faith, and entertains Christian kids through wild adventures! For over 15 years, Jonathan Park has been the alternative for Christian families who value wholesome entertainment. With over 2,000,000 albums sold worldwide, your family has to see what they've been missing! Shop with us today and receive a Special Discount!
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I just want to thank you so much for all of the Jonathan Park programs. I began buying these for my 7 children 5 years ago. They have loved them and have listened to the same episodes over and over (and over). My oldest are now 13 and 11. Every time I hear them listening to JP, I thank God for ya'll. Today I decided I would just go ahead and tell you how thankful I am for JP. As a homeschooling mother, it would take me hundreds of hours (that I don't have) of research to teach them these wonderful truths, and then of course there would be the problem of teaching it all in a way that sticks with them. Thank you so much!!!!!!! May the Lord bless you for your good and faithful work!!!!!
Brook M. - Mom of 7 Kiddos
My daughters fell in love with the storylines, were enthralled by the sound effects and acting quality, and have eagerly participated in family discussions regarding the truth of creation. This series has been, not only the entertaining road-trip-diversion I was hoping for, but so much more…It is helping to make the abstract creation story a concrete, trustworthy piece of human history in the minds and hearts of my children.
- Crupp Family
We ABSOLUTELY LOVE Jonathan Park! We love the stories, but especially the scientific facts. Our parents have science backgrounds so we are a science-loving family who loves to prove creation with science. Mommy loves how bible verses are woven into the messages that the stories impart. Thank you for all the love and heart that goes into making these amazing stories!
- Holliday Family
The 100% No-Risk Promise
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Try Jonathan Park out today and if your kids aren't begging you to listen "to just one more episode," you’ll get your money back!
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Quality is not good. Haven’t been able to listen easily
Very happy with the Jonathan Park program. Thank you!
I loved these books the have a move but for your ears you should try them they are good to keep Kidd's busy for car trips
We didn’t get that we got Bible adventure CDs
My older grandchildren really liked it. The younger ones were a bit scared. I enjoyed it and believe it’s a good product
These are worth every penny! We were so happy to gift them to our friends thanks to the great deal offered!
Our whole family enjoys it! Very well done.
I am looking forward to using this in my class of 5th and 6th graders.
My kids loved listening to Jonathan Park. I think I enjoyed it as much as they did. So many interesting facts about science and fossils. They fit science and history so naturally in the conversations from the story that you didn't realize you were learning. The information was explained so well. Great job!
The Adventure Begins Series Speical Offer
Archaeology, geography, zoology, etc., A fun way to sneak in a ton of education, including apologetics. These stories bring back great memories from when I was homeschooling my girls now I’m passing them onto my great nieces and nephews.
We loved it! Such a great way to listen to science in storytelling and the adventures! We as a family really enjoyed it!
Poor customer service experience. Actually, no customer service. Disk 2 is incorrect and not the right disk even though it is labeled as disk 2. Emailed and have not heard back for over a week. Very disappointed.
The whole family enjoyed listening to the stories when we are in the car (:
I love the story detail and the sound effects!
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Wise King Media 12600 Stowe Dr.
Ste 11, Poway, CA 92065
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I first listened to Jonathan Park when I was a kid. We lost the first two seasons, so I ordered them again to replacethe missing albums. I am currently listening to them with my Dad who can't read anymore as he suffered a stroke. We are enjoying the story, and learning about Creation.
These CDs were birthday gifts to my grandkids. They eagerly listen to them and clamor for more. Quite a good sign!
My boys 11 and 13 loved it.
Thank you for the inspiring history lesson.
Excellent price for a quality radio story set
My children love these stories!
I have three boys, ages 12, 8, and 5. This keeps all their attention. They look forward to listening to them every time we are in the car. I will GLADLY take this over watching a screen any day. Add that this is intentionally written to teach about a creationist's belief versus an evolutionist's, and you have a very pleased homeschooling mom. :)
Mack meets History is filled with Godly excellence! All of our 5 children thoroughly relish this series, its history, engaging dialogue, and thrilling adventure! The season is replete with real-world examples of speech that is humble, gracious, forgiving, and merciful; and they pray! We are honored to set these examples before our 5 children.
The historical insights honor God’s providence in His-story without denying man’s weakness to represent Christ rightly along the way.
We appreciate that the time spent developing or revisiting the villain is balanced throughout, the villain does not distract or become a humorous fascination, but exists at just the right times to warn of real threats along the way.
My kids love listening to the Jonathan Park series when we are driving in our car. They will ask for it by name and listen to each series multiple times. We are currently on series 3
Our whole family listened to this and couldn’t wait to hear the next part. We loved all of the scripture references and the encouragement to pray. The escape room castle was a fun twist.
Our family of 6, with sons and daughters ranging from 8 to 14, absolutely recommend this set! We all enjoyed the exciting storyline, with interesting history facts and an exaltation of Christ & His Word woven throughout. RIGHT when it was done, my 14 year old said we needed to get the next one. I'll be recommending this to all of our church and homeschool co-op friends!
My 12 and 14 year old boys have loved listening to these audio books! I was surprised at what a hit they were as Christmas presents. My 12 year old wants more of these for his birthday.
Every night before going to bed my daughter and I always listened to the Jonathan Park the Explorer's Society". We enjoyed it a lot.