A Simple Approach to Sharing God's Truth
June 28, 2018
Most people who’ve bought into the idea that our world is billions of years old have a difficult time even considering scientific evidence for a young earth. And the longer they’ve embraced evolution and vast ages, the more ridiculous it sounds to them when they’re presented with the idea that our planet is just thousands of years old – even when it’s backed by compelling research!
For the growing number of Christians who have discovered that science aligns beautifully with the creation account in Genesis, a young earth position is rational and reasonable. After all, the Bible and science have the same Author!
But what’s the best way to communicate with those who have concluded that given enough time, anything can evolve into existence?
First, it’s important to recognize that both creation and secular scientists are examining the same data across the spectrum of scientific disciplines. The radically different conclusions reached are a result of the way in which this data is interpreted. None of us were “there” at the beginning, so the worldview that scientists bring to the table is usually the biggest factor in establishing their assumptions. And these assumptions become the building blocks for developing their “theories”.
For most of us who aren’t experts in one or more fields of science, a common-sense approach is often the best approach to persuading others to reconsider their worldviews. And there’s no better way to get people thinking than to ask basic questions that are difficult to answer.
Here are just three foundational questions that you can ask when you come across family, friends and neighbors who believe in the theory of evolution. These are so simple that even your children can use them as witnessing tools among their peers.
1. How did “life” begin?
Or to put it another way, how could life originate from non-life? Can a living thing come into existence from nothing? Isn’t it logical to assume that from nothing, comes nothing?
2. If life evolved from a simple, one-celled organism, what caused it to become complex over time?
(And the obvious related question would be, what created that one-celled organism in the first place?)
Just stop and consider the magnificent anatomy of the human body, the creativity and diversity of the animal kingdom, the sophisticated language system behind the DNA code, and the mind-blowing vastness of the universe. Does it really seem plausible that all these wonders beautifully designed themselves on their own merely because billions of years elapsed?
3. If evolution is true, where are all those transitional fossils?
Wouldn’t we find millions of fossils in the “in-between” stages if evolution was true? Even Charles Darwin recognized that this was a major problem. And the problem hasn’t gone away.
There are countless questions that will stump evolutionists because this anti-God theory simply doesn’t hold up under logical scrutiny.
But if we want to win others to Christ, it’s often more effective to limit the number of questions and avoid scientific debates that go way beyond our realm of expertise. There are very trustworthy creation science organizations with sound and peer-tested resources that we can point them to if they want to dig deeper (e.g. Answers in Genesis, the Institute for Creation Research, Creation Ministries International, etc.)
Most importantly, we need to remind our kids (and ourselves) of two things when we have opportunities to share the many irrefutable facts behind our faith.
First, people are going to be more open to hearing the truth of creation and the Gospel when it’s bathed in prayer and presented with genuine humility and love.
Second, we have the Truth on our side, but remember, we’re just messengers. The Christian faith is based on rock-solid evidence that we should confidently share, but God is the one who changes hearts and minds.
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